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Open Innovation

Two sides to a coin

The Finnish website Piraattilahti literally copies the Pirate Bay's website, leading to outrage from the Swedish filesharing platform.

Argument 1: the Pirate Bay has been encouraging a free culture of data sharing for years, contributing to the diffusion of our shared heritage via bittorrents. We would expect that it be just as liberal with its own intellectual property. It is, manifestly, not. 
Argument 2: Piraattilahti is an organization locked into  20th century models. It diffuses falsehoods and half-truths about IP, serving as a propaganda vehicle for established players. It should be condemned as such, but won't be as political officials are forced by cultural industries to mechanically adopt and repeat the dominant discourse. 
Who's right? 
— UPDATE 18.02 15h48 —
Clarifying the organization's position, an anonymous The Pirate Bay spokesman is quoted having said that : "We are outraged by this behavior. People must understand what is right and wrong. Stealing material like this on the Internet is a threat to economies worldwide. We feel that we must make a statement and therefore we will sue them for copyright infringement.” The irony kind of makes it obvious beyond the shadow of a doubt. Pirate Bay 1 ; Piraattilahti 0.
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